Safeguarding Policy
This policy, recommended by the Croquet Association, was adopted by the Croquet club committee at the meeting on
15th May 2017
This policy, recommended by the Croquet Association, was adopted by the Croquet club committee at the meeting on
15th May 2017
Safeguarding Policy
(Model for Clubs to Adopt: January 2017)
Name of Club: Letchworth Croquet Club
Please also see other information regarding Safeguarding available on the CA website.
1 Definitions Children are defined as persons of less than 18 years of age. Adults are legally defined as vulnerable only if they are receiving health or personal care, but this club recognises that anyone can be subject to abuse and thus this policy should be read with adults as well as children in mind.
Regulated Activity in relation to children means, as far as croquet is concerned, teaching, training or instruction, care or supervision, or driving a vehicle being used only for transporting children, that is carried out by the same person once a week or more, or 4 or more days in 30, or overnight. A fuller definition and discussion of it is contained in the guidance on the CA website.
2 Policy Statement
3.1 What Is Child Abuse? Child abuse is a term used to describe ways in which children are harmed, usually by adults, and includes physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, mental abuse, and bullying.
3.1.1 Physical abuse Physical abuse occurs where adults or other children:
5 Scrutiny of MembersFor a club or other body wishing to engage a member in Regulated Activity –
Please see full guidance in the Safeguarding paper on the CA website.
6 Prevention of Abuse This section offers advice aimed at protecting children from abuse and members from false allegations.
The club will point out to parents of under-18s who take part in club activities that the club will take every possible care of children but they cannot be deemed to be in loco parentis in respect of children using club facilities. The exception to this will be if the young person is a member of a club team playing in an away match or tournament and the required permission form has been signed by the parent or guardian.
6.1 Good Practice Guide Opportunities for abuse can be minimised, and members can be protected against allegations, by the use of good practice.
7.1.1 Always
to the local authority child protection team; and
to the CA's National Safeguarding Officer, who will inform the CA's Hon. Secretary of any concerns.
7.1.2 Never
9 CA Safeguarding Officer The CA’s national officer with responsibility for safeguarding is Jean Hargreaves, 9 St. Paul's Rd., Salford, M7 3NY, tel: 0161 792 4694, e-mail:
Please contact her with any queries.
(Model for Clubs to Adopt: January 2017)
Name of Club: Letchworth Croquet Club
Please also see other information regarding Safeguarding available on the CA website.
1 Definitions Children are defined as persons of less than 18 years of age. Adults are legally defined as vulnerable only if they are receiving health or personal care, but this club recognises that anyone can be subject to abuse and thus this policy should be read with adults as well as children in mind.
Regulated Activity in relation to children means, as far as croquet is concerned, teaching, training or instruction, care or supervision, or driving a vehicle being used only for transporting children, that is carried out by the same person once a week or more, or 4 or more days in 30, or overnight. A fuller definition and discussion of it is contained in the guidance on the CA website.
2 Policy Statement
- The child’s welfare is paramount and this organisation is committed to provide a safe place for children.
- All children have the right to protection from abuse.
- All suspicions and allegations of inappropriate behaviour will be dealt with.
- The Club Member with responsibility for Safeguarding is Andy Kennedy, 45 Baldock Road, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 3JX, Tel 01462 678982 E-mail [email protected]
3.1 What Is Child Abuse? Child abuse is a term used to describe ways in which children are harmed, usually by adults, and includes physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, mental abuse, and bullying.
3.1.1 Physical abuse Physical abuse occurs where adults or other children:
- Physically hurt or injure children
- Give children noxious substances (e.g. alcohol/drugs)
- Consistently leave children unsupervised
- Fail to ensure children are safe or expose them to unnecessary risk of injury
- Unlawful intercourse
- Inappropriate touching
- Taking pornographic photographs
- Taunted or unnecessarily shouted at
- Subjected to undue criticism
- Put under unreasonable pressure to perform
- Bullying is deliberately hurtful behaviour usually repeated over a period of time
- Any child can be a victim of bullying
- More usual victims are shy, sensitive, anxious and insecure
- Unexplained or suspicious injuries
- Sexually explicit language or actions
- A sudden change in behaviour
- The child describes an abusive act
- The child has a general distrust and avoidance of adults
- An unreasonable reaction to normal physical contact
5 Scrutiny of MembersFor a club or other body wishing to engage a member in Regulated Activity –
Please see full guidance in the Safeguarding paper on the CA website.
6 Prevention of Abuse This section offers advice aimed at protecting children from abuse and members from false allegations.
The club will point out to parents of under-18s who take part in club activities that the club will take every possible care of children but they cannot be deemed to be in loco parentis in respect of children using club facilities. The exception to this will be if the young person is a member of a club team playing in an away match or tournament and the required permission form has been signed by the parent or guardian.
6.1 Good Practice Guide Opportunities for abuse can be minimised, and members can be protected against allegations, by the use of good practice.
- Except for essential training purposes, or in exceptional cases to treat or prevent injury, minimise time spent alone with children
- Do not take children alone in a car
- Do not take children to your home
- Where these situations are unavoidable ensure they only occur with the authority of the child’s parents or a responsible person within the club
- Allow children to use inappropriate language
- Make suggestive comments to a child
- Fail to act upon allegations made by a child
- Do things of a personal nature for children
- Engage in physical or sexually provocative games
- Engage in inappropriate touching
- A criminal investigation (police)
- A safeguarding investigation (social services)
- A disciplinary or misconduct investigation (club/CA)
7.1.1 Always
- Stay calm - ensure the child is safe and feels secure
- Be honest; explain you will have to tell somebody else, emphasising that this will be on a need to know basis
- Document what the child has said as soon as possible – handwritten accounts should be made. In the event that these are subsequently typed up ALWAYS keep the original handwritten copy with it.
- Report the matter:
to the local authority child protection team; and
to the CA's National Safeguarding Officer, who will inform the CA's Hon. Secretary of any concerns.
7.1.2 Never
- Rush into actions
- Make promises you cannot keep
- Ask inappropriate questions
- Take sole responsibility
- Taking the correct action about abuse is never easy
- You may be upset about what the child has said or you may worry about the consequences of your actions
- One thing is certain: you cannot ignore abuse
- The effects of abuse on children can be devastating
- Record basic information (see point 7.1.1 Always above)
- Do not start an investigation
- Remember that unnecessary interviews with a child may prejudice a police enquiry
- Consider environment carefully if recording information
- Ensure another adult is present
- Avoid touching the child.
9 CA Safeguarding Officer The CA’s national officer with responsibility for safeguarding is Jean Hargreaves, 9 St. Paul's Rd., Salford, M7 3NY, tel: 0161 792 4694, e-mail:
Please contact her with any queries.